The amount of emotional vulnerability and sensibility portrayed in this film is laudable: the writing and editing really made sure to give enough space for the audience to savor the messiness, complexity and depth of the hardest to express emotions like grief fear and love. At times the scenes felt too much like a music video, but overall they make it a stylish film.
对我来说几乎木有奇观性(在黄河边长大在陕西生活6+年多次去陕北妈妈爱唱信天游…)之后符号化的表达显得愈发僵硬意识形态上歌颂和批评的模糊…我也不大在意因为很难讲这些影像和叙事与意识形态有什么联结而且讨论已经那么多我有两颗星都给夜里独自划船而去的翠巧她对憨憨说“姐等不得了”然后孤身划船而去的背影是我的cinephilia moment同城活动比较火的app这个身影应该会长久地鼓舞我:等不得了It‘s time to go. Go